List of (some of) the team's publications

The ATRA team has been (and continues to be) very productive in its academic publications. Here below you find a list of some of the personal titles written by our staff in these years. Some of them give you access to a direct link allowing you a free download of the paper. Enjoy your readings!
  • Micheli, I. (2016) “We are indigenous and we want to be literate in our own language”. The Ogiek of Mariashoni: a good example of how a literacy project with the best premises can be a failure” in AION, vol 76. Brill.
  • Micheli, I. (2016) “Living a Kulango life: Examples of Socialization in the Shadow of the Laasagyo” in Acquaviva G., Tosco M. Immagini Culturali del Regno Vegetale. Aspetti simbolici e prospettive interpretative, KERVAN. Torino: Università degli Studi di Torino.
  • Manzo A. (2015). “… nella tua terra l’oro è come polvere”. La gestione del commercio nell’Africa nordorientale durante l’Età del Bronzo. In L. Caterina e B. Genito (eds.), Archeologia delle Vie della Seta. Percorsi, Immagini e Cultura Materiale III Ciclo di Conferenze, 12 marzo-14 maggio 2014, NAPOLI: Centro Interdipartimentale di Servizi di Archeologia dell’Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, p. 27-54, ISBN: 978-88-6719-078-2
  • Manzo A. (2014). Beyond the Fourth Cataract. Perspectives for Research in Eastern Sudan. In J.R. Anderson e D.A. Welsby (eds.), The Fourth Cataract and Beyond. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference for Nubian Studies, Leuven-Paris-Walpole: Peeters (British Museum Publications on Egypt and Sudan 1), p. 1149-1157, ISBN: 978-90-429-3044-5
  • Manzo A. (2014). Note su alcuni rinvenimenti ceramici riferibili ai rapporti tra il Sudan orientale e l’Egitto nel II millennio a.C. In E. Fantusati e M. Baldi (eds.), Atti della Quarta Giornata di Studi Nubiani. A tribute to Nubian Civilisation, ROMA: Scienze e Lettere (Serie Orientale n.s. 2), p. 165-184, ISBN: 978-8-8668-7056-2
  • Manzo A. (2014). New Eastern Desert Finds from Sudan and Ethiopia. In A. Lohwasser e P. Wolf (eds.), Ein Forscherleben zwischen den Welten. Zum 80. Geburtstag von Steffen Wenig, Sudanarchäologische Gesellschaft (Der antike Sudan. Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin e. V.), p. 237-252, ISSN: 0945-9502
  • Manzo A. (2015), Italian Archaeological Expedition to the Eastern Sudan of the Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”. Preliminary Report of the 2014 Field Season. NEWSLETTER DI ARCHEOLOGIA CISA, Vol. 6, p. 231-240, ISSN: 2036-6353
  • ManzoA. (2014) Snakes and Sacrifices: Tentative Insights into the Pre-Christian Ethiopian Religion, AETHIOPICA, Vol. 17, p. 7-24, ISSN: 2194-4024
  • Manzo A. (2013). Skeuomorphism in Meroitic Pottery. A Tentative Interpretative Approach, Rivista degli Studi Orientali [Studi in Memoria di Claudio Barocas], Vol. 85 [2012], p. 339-372, ISSN: 0392-4866
  • Manzo A. (2013). The Italian Archaeological Expedition to the Eastern Sudan of the Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”. An Overview of the 2012 field season, NEWSLETTER DI ARCHEOLOGIA CISA, Vol. 4, p. 253-271, ISSN: 2036-6353
  • Micheli I. (2014) “The ogiek of the Mau Forest: Reasoning between Identity and Survival” in La Ricerca Folklorica, vol. 69, pp. 189-204, ISSN 0391-9099.
  • Savà G. and Tosco M. (2015). “The Ongota language – and two ways of looking at the marginal and hunting-gathering peoples of East Africa”. Ethnorêma 11: 1-17.
  • Tosco M. (2016). “Language diversity, development, and the state”. In: Federico Gobbo (acd / red / ed). Lingua, politica, cultura: Serta gratulatoria in honorem Renato Corsetti. New York: Mondial Press: 40-46
  • Tosco M. (2015). “From Elmolo to Gura Pau: a remembered Cushitic language of Lake Turkana and its possible revitalization”. Studies in African Linguistics 44/2: 101-135.
  • Zazzaro C., Cocca E:, Manzo A. (2014). Towards a Chronology of the Eritrean Red Sea Port of Adulis (1st-early 7th Century AD). JOURNAL OF AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGY, Vol. 12.1, p. 47-73, ISSN: 1612-1651
  • Zazzaro C., Cocca E., Carannante A., Filigenzi A., Loreto R., Manzo A., Perna V., Durand C., Massa S., Mandelli C., Nardi R., Nappo D. (2014). The Contribution of the Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” to the 2013-2014 Eritrean-Italian Field Season at Adulis, NEWSLETTER DI ARCHEOLOGIA CISA, Vol. 5, p. 507-590, ISSN: 2036-635
  • Dore, Giovanni, "Rapporti socio-produttivi tra agricoltori tigrini e pastori saho d'Eritrea. L'evoluzione dell'abitazione saho dalla daasa alla naxsa", nel volume Cose da prendere sul serio. Le antropologie di Giulio Angioni, a cura di F. Bachis e A. M. Pusceddu, Cagliari, Ed. Il Maestrale. Download here.
  • Banti, G. & Vergari M. (2014) “The Nazme: a genre of religious poetry of the Eritrean Saho" in IncLing 37, pp.133-144. ISSN 0390-2412. No pdf available due to Publisher’s rules.
  • Micheli, I. (2014) “The Okiek of Mariashoni, Nakuru District, Mau Forest Complex, Kenya. A Sociolinguistic Report" in IncLing 37, pp. 145-168. ISSN 0390-2412. No pdf available due to Publisher’s rules.
  • Tosco, M. "The tension between language diversity and state building in Africa" in Incontri Linguistici. ISSN 0390-2412.
  • Manfredi, S. Tosco, M. (2014) “Language uses vs language policy: South Sudan and Juba Arabic in the post-independence era” in Dansero E., De Filippi F., Fantini E., Marocco I. (a cura di), Imagining Cultures of Cooperation - Proceedings of the III CUCS Congress, Turin 19-21 September 2013, JUNCO - Journal of Universities and international development Cooperation, n. 1, ISBN 978-88-96894-16-3, pp. 798-802. Download here
  • Micheli I., Tosco M. (2014) “A better knowledge for a better cooperation: the contribution of human sciences for an intercultural cooperation to development” in Dansero E., De Filippi F., Fantini E., Marocco I. (a cura di), Imagining Cultures of Cooperation - Proceedings of the III CUCS Congress, Turin 19-21 September 2013, JUNCO - Journal of Universities and international development Cooperation, n. 1, ISBN 978-88-96894-16-3, pp. 768. Download here
  • Dore, G. (2014) “Carlo Conti Rossini in Eritrea tra ricerca scientifica e prassi coloniale (1899-1903)” in Bausi, A.; Gori, A.; Lusini, G. Linguistic, Oriental and Ethiopian Studies in Memory of Paolo Marassini, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 322-34. Terms for download to be defined with the Publisher.
  • Micheli, I. (2014) "Safeguarding the Past to Guarantee a Better Future. The Role of Ethnolinguistics in the NECOFA projects among the Mariashoni Okiek Community" in Dansero E., De Filippi F., Fantini E., Marocco I. (a cura di), Imagining Cultures of Cooperation - Proceedings of the III CUCS Congress, Turin 19-21 September 2013, JUNCO - Journal of Universities and international development Cooperation, n. 1, ISBN 978-88-96894-16-3, pp. 777-784. Download here
  • Sernicola, L. (2014) “Strategies of land exploitation and management in the area of Aksum (Northern Ethiopia) between the first millennium BC and the first millennium AD” in Dansero E., De Filippi F., Fantini E., Marocco I. (a cura di), Imagining Cultures of Cooperation - Proceedings of the III CUCS Congress, Turin 19-21 September 2013, JUNCO - Journal of Universities and international development Cooperation, n. 1, ISBN 978-88-96894-16-3, pp. 785-790.
  • Crevatin F. (2014) “Storie di persone che parlano, scrivono, leggono, pensano” in RILD XVI, pp. 95-126. Download here
  • “A comprehensive online archive on Language, History and Culture of the Saho-speaking communities of Eritrea and Ethiopia”
    Link here
  • Manzo, A. (2014) "Preliminary Report of the 2013 Field Season of The Italian Archaeological Expedition to the Eastern Sudan of the University of Naples "L'Orientale" in Newsletter di Archeologia CISA, vol.5, pp. 375-412. Download here
  • Berhanu Abebe - Gianfrancesco Lusini, Vocabolario italiano-amarico, Addis Abeba, Arada Books, 2014, pp. xxii+389. ISBN 978-99944-866-4-9
    Download cover here
  • Lusini, G.; Ibrahim Mohamed M.-A. (2012) "The Räb'at Dellalät by Mohammed-Ali. A presentation of the Tigre text", in Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, vol IV, pp. 205-209. Download here
  • Micheli, I. (2013) "Honey and Beekeeping among the Okiek of Mariashoni, Mau Forest Escarpment, Nakuru District, Kenya" in Ethnorêma, anno IX, vol. 9, pp. 55-102. ISSN 1826-8803. Download here
  • Micheli, I. (2013) "An Okiek Folktale" in Ethnorêma, anno IX, vol. 9, pp. 131-136. ISSN 1826-8803. Free download


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